Wed 4/2/2025 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM by Rebecca Money Normans
MARCH 25, 2025
Peer Tutoring and Consultations Available
All Troy Campus Peer Tutors are Trained and Certified.
- Please schedule your Free Peer Tutoring Appointments using the schedules here at
- Troy Campus Learning Center services are offered as scheduled to Troy Campus students.
- Appointments are recommended. Group tutoring appointments require prior notice.
- Some walk-in and small group tutoring sessions may be available.
- Monday-Thursday (in-person) | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
- Friday (in-person) | 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
- Remote/Virtual Tutoring | Wednesdays Only | 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm (Appointment Required)
"STUDY ONLY" Appointments will be available starting January 21.
Final Exam Hours of Operation vary and are posted each semester.
We're closed on Weekends, Holidays, "Dead Day" and other specified Campus Breaks.
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Observation/Day of Service - January 20, 2025
- Spring Break for Troy Campus - March 17-23, 2025
Inclement weather closings are announced based on University administrators' directives. Appointment cancellations may be required and notifications will be sent via mass and/or individual e-mail notifications.
- Troy Campus enrolled students may schedule one appointment, per course, per day, per tutor.
- You can have multiple appointments in a day as long as they are for different subject, at different times, and with different tutors.
- Scheduling multiple appointments for the same course is not permitted.
- Please schedule only one appointment per day with a specific tutor, even if the appointments are for different subjects.
- Peer Tutoring Appointments (Troy University-enrolled students only) (Math, Science, Writing, Economics)
- Virtual/Remote Peer Tutoring Appointments (Please schedule your virtual/remote tutoring appointment four [4] hours ahead of the desired appointment time or by 2:00 PM on Wednesdays so that you can receive your appointment link. Thank you.)
- Study Only Appointment Reservations (Study Only Appointments are not Tutoring Appointments, but are courtesy offerings of a convenient place to sit and study between classes.) Seating priority is given to tutoring clients.
- Learning Center Director Consultations (Please e-mail Learning Center Director for an appointment.)
- Classroom (Peer) Visits | Information Sessions (Faculty/Staff/Organizations, please e-mail the Learning Center Coordinator to schedule sessions.)
- ATLAS Workshops (Troy Campus enrolled students only) - Please scroll down for the schedule.
- "Love of Learning Events" (Troy Campus enrolled students, faculty/staff) Please scroll down for the schedule.
- "Plagiarism Awareness" or "Four-Year Plan" sessions with any available peer Writing Tutor listed under the "Writing" schedule.
- Some tutors may tutor in multiple subjects.
- Please look at peer tutors' names listed in a schedule to see their subject concentration code(s): | Ex: John (CHM/PHY/WRI)
- Tutor | Subject Concentration Codes are available for your information at the top of each schedule.
- Click on an appointment block (any white space within a "schedule") next to a tutor's name in a schedule to see the tutor's concentration(s).
Spring Semester 2025 Events
ATLAS 1: 2025 February 13, Thu, 10:00 AM | Come Hug Some Bugs: An Introduction to Entomology | Atlas Workshop
- Peer Presenter: Learning Center STEM Tutor Caleb Skelly
- Faculty Mentor: Dr. Chelsea Smith, Troy University Science Department
- Pre-registration is not required for this event, but you must have an account registered at this portal to receive credit or attending this event.
ATLAS 2: 2025 February 20, Thu, 10:00 AM | Old-fashioned Brainstorming & Paper Planning | Atlas Workshop
- Peer Presenter: Learning Center Writing Tutor Ryan Hardeman | Staff Facilitator: GAA Tamara Arystanbekova, Troy Campus Learning Center
- Faculty Mentor: Ms. Anna Orlofsky-Bailey, Troy University English Department
- Pre-registration is not required for this event, but you must have an account registered at this portal to receive credit or attending this event.
ATLAS 3: 2025 February 28, Fri, 12:00 PM | Study Like a “Philomath”: A Virtual/Remote Atlas Workshop
- Presenters: Troy Campus Learning Center (LC) staff | Staff Facilitators: GAA Tamara Arystanbekova and GAA Abhishek Singh
- “Proof of Attendance” available, if you stay to the end of the event | 30 to 45 minutes
- Pre-registration is required to receive workshop credit for this event
- Please pre-register between January 15, 2024, and Thurs., Feb. 27, at 4:00 PM..
SPR2025-ATLAS-Study-Like-Philomath-V/R Pre-registration Steps:
1) Either register/create an account and/or log in to your account here: Register or Create or Login Account Here.
2) Select the SPR2025-ATLAS-Study-Like-Philomath-V/R schedule.
3) Click within any available open or white box on the schedule to pre-register.
4) You will receive the Microsoft Teams meeting link e-mail from
5) If you not receive the meeting link e-mail, please notify us by e-mailing
Please phone 1-334-808-6807, if you run into any challenges. We look forward to seeing you at these events. – Learning Center Staff
LC's 3rd Annual Valentine's Day "Love of Learning"
Incentive Give-Away & Table Activity (Trivia Game)
When and Where?
Trojan Center, 12:00 to 2:00 PM
Details & Purpose of the Activity
- Troy Campus students who visit our Love of Learning table in the Trojan Center, participate, and complete an information/entry card will receive a special "sweet treat" (while supplies last.)
- Each entry card is entered into a drawing for one of the three, exciting Give-Away / reward prizes.
- This event gives our LC staff a "chance" to say "hello" and encourage you have a wonderful day of learning at Troy University.
(Only one free prize per participant/winner. No fee to enter.)
Please, also ask us about our June 1 - September 12 2025
"Love of Literacy Day" Annual Project! Volunteers are Needed!
Time Zone Note: Our appointments are in CST (Central Time).
Study resources and more available at
- ACC= Accounting Basics
- AP = Anatomy and Physiology
- ALG = Algebra
- BIO/CHM = Biology /Chemistry
- CAL = Calculus 1, 2, or 3
- DIS = Discrete Math
- ECO = Economics Basics (micro and macro)
- ENV = Environmental Science
- FINITE = Finite Math
- MTH/SCI = Math/Science
- PHY = Physics 1 or 2
- Physical = Physical Science
- PhyLab = Physical Science with Lab (not physics)
- PRE-CAL = Pre-calculus Algebra
- SCI = Science
- STAT = Statistics
- WRI = Writing Strategies
- APA (American Psychological Association writing format)
- MLA (Modern Language Association writing format)
- CHIC (Chicago Style writing Format)
Please call or e-mail if you have questions or need additional support.
Front Desk / Tutoring Area Phone: +1-334-808-6807
Center E-mail:
LC Website Main Page:
LC Website (Resources Links Page):